Anyone own one of these ?

Ok got to use one of these for the first time today....


It has a few problems , nothing I think a Zombie can't overcome , I wanted 4 pieces same length with 45' angled cuts each end.
A lot of work with a hand held grinder.


Problems were due to clamps mainly , the orange lump on the left cannot hold the mitre square firmly enough to allow the piece to be clamped against it using the clamp on the right ?
Although the angle itself is reasonable accurate [ compared with hand held grinding ]

The clamp on the right rides up the work as it pivots around the tightening bolt.

The base with the cross in is not flat , I had to pack the work piece and use a G clamp to hold it , luckly it was long enough to do that.

So looking for some improvements.....
Yup, the variable angled stop doesn't (stop that is) at the angle you set unless you also do up its pivot bolt firmly (a bit of a faff that).
The screw jack end of the clamp tends to want to slide along any piece of material not at a right-angle. Evo-Stick a piece of inner-tube to the face should stop that.
The narrowness of the bed does mean you have to watch that the piece being cut is packed to stay flat on the bed- True!
But the cuts/grinds are good and true and the work is ready for welding. Far superior to a hand-held grinder IMHO.
I like the tip about a rubber end to the main clamp for angled cuts. So ovbious I hadn't seen it - doh! I'll do that with mine. Thanks.
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