So I am back and the trike survived and did all that was asked of it.
This is part of the overall ratings table :-
So these were the top 6
This was another Zombie builder with his modified Warrior - Prototad he did very well.
I have be miss classed as driving the Royce Blue car which I only used for the 1hr event.
However NOT last phew 9 below me.
So first event Saturday Standing start 100m - uphill very hard for the 2 wheelers and anything weighty
Top 6 again
And here is me beating 9 others - unbelievable - however so SLOWWWW
Next a 300m run up to a timed 100m downhill
Top 6 again
As predicted I ran out of gears before I hit the finish line so a poor performance.
After lunch there was a 1 hour race , turns out my lack of power , the hills and the limited gearing of the pedal car made this very hard work.
Sunday started with a 1 lap TT , there are currently no results available for that
Afternoon a 3 hour endurance race , seems the trike is the best option so off we go.
Top 6 again
and me 99th wow beating 14 !
I had 2 x 5 minute breaks to take on water and food , maybe without them I may have beaten the guy in 98th place.
Without the breaks there was every possibility I would not finish as the weather was very unsuitable for a 3 hr race close to 28C for most of the race.
There was loads of great machines there and lots of people to talk to , another 6 pedal cars and lots of the BHPC people I have met over the years.
Apparently I was captured in motion at the end of this great video :-
Far left
Now something odd happened at the end of the 3 hr race and it was captured on video , normally a bell sounds for the leader having done the 3 hours and him and everyone behind him has to do one more lap.
He was so much quicker than me he got the bell and did his last lap over taking me before I got the bell [ he is in the white fully faired 2 wheeler ] so they see him coming and put the bell down and pick up the chequred flag for the race to finish. I roll over the line 9 seconds after him and my race is over