Recommended motor for the Yardmule?


I'm interested in vehicle similar-ish to the yard mule. At the moment I want to avail holiday sales to purchase the motor if I can. Are there any recommended motors?
What is the highest wattage motor available? What company/model are the most reliable?
Are QS Motors any good?

Others I got were:
- Hailong Motor
- MAC Motor
- Bafang Ultra Max
- Cyclone Motor

Can multiple motors be used to give even greater power?

Also, i'd like to know how much weight the yardmule can pull? I read 2000lb water ?

I need to purchase this very very soon
Actualy, in the spirit of Atomic zombie, I would suggest rewinding a series wound starter motor as a parallel wound.

Any decent car-scrapper can yield a few fun motors in that respect.
Forget bike and scooter motors, the Mule is more of a truck than an e-bike!
My motor is capable of 40 HP, although I run it from a 400 amp controller, so I don't push it that hard.
Anything less than a real 4-8 HP out of your motor and it won't be enough.
If compared to a an e-bike motor, you would need 6 or more of the largest available.

This is the kind of motor you are looking for...

I have not found the limit of what I can pull. Are you interested in towing? Like a plow or something?
I easily carry 1000+ pounds in the back and drag my 400 pound log splitter across grass and up huge hills.

This is year 6 for my Mule and I have not done anything but plug it in at the end of a few long days.
Zero maintenance, same budget RV batteries in use.

What is your budget?
Building the Mule will cost WAY more than a small E-Bike but WAY less than any quad available.

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