Thank you Paul, Danny and Maddox.Wow great video , looks like an advert for a commercial product , bet you get asked ' where can we buy one of these '.
Was it all shot in the Netherlands ? the scenery looks great.
All the best Paul
Sadly not all footage could be used because we lost a part of the recordings, but we made a small introduction video for our promotion.
Yes people asked if we build them and if they can buy one.
On the meeting i have let others ride on it. Everyone was impressed and 2 people are interested to build one them self.
That is Helmond where i live.
The castle id in the city center.
The Forrest is near Geert and the hill is also close to the city center. We didn't need to ride far for everything. The stairs are near the train station.
A little bit of promotion for Helmond.