The quad had its maiden holiday and it survived the ride from about 800km on the German roads.
As you survive the German roads, your vehicle is ready to conquer the world.

I had only one problem and that was that sometimes the chain came off as i went down hill and it was free wheeling.
Not a big problem and it was easy to fix. It came off a few times as the chantenger came loose.
That will soon be fixed.
But other than that, the quad was performing great. Steep hills where no problem ad all and also the low quality roads where no problem.
I didn't feel the bad road. The suspension smoothens everything.
On the meeting i took my quad uphill and where others where struggling, the quad went up without any problem. The motor stayed cool, where one on a bicycle with a 1500w motor on a bike, got his motor hot.
Just crazy looking ad the total weight with me on it that was over 200kg and going up hill, where others with way less weight, where struggling.
It is in Germany, but you can see how stable the quad was.
A German YouTuber made also a video and drove on it. He was impressed.
Soon the video will be online and as he posts it, i will place the link here.
I am going to take off the the camper part and make a caravan from it. The quad will be a short wheel base like the other one. The rear will be changed so i can put stuff on it and pull the caravan.
The caravan gets the same wheels and suspension.