Parts is Parts

So, I've been acquiring bits and pieces for another tadpole project, and I found This:

Now, some would consider this to be a useable bike, as it's not in bad shape, and is rideable (I guess), as is.
But, I think it's a candidate for the ugliest mountain bike ever - I own a few nice vintage MTB's, so I guess my opinion is somewhat biased on that.
It was sold in Walmart stores, around 1999-2000 +/-, and it's SO heavy, that I think it would self-destruct from its own weight, if used as the design implies.
It has an aluminum frame (to save weight!?), so not much of it is useable, except for one component - Can you guess what it is ?

An interesting side note - I bought it from a local parish priest!
He said that some parishioners gave it to him - He rode it around the church parking lot, one time, and decided NOPE!
When I told him what I wanted it for, he thought it was a great idea, and blessed the project !
I'm thinking he was just happy that someone actually paid him for it ;)
Indeed -
The swing arm is actually steel tubing, and although the bike has a rear V-brake, the left dropout has an ISO disc caliper mount !
I think I can work with it :giggle:
The spokes are useful also, they're great for measuring during a build or making hooks for hanging parts when painting. The front disc brake, the chain, since a tadpole needs 2.5 of them roughly, the seat post is probably steel, head tube bearings and cups are probably worth saving, they're expensive to replace, i would even save the longest sections of the frame, i found they are very useful for leverage pipes, especially because they fit over the star used for taking off lugg nuts.
The bike is a funny combination of parts - Aluminum frame, steel swing arm, aluminum seat post, steel stem and handlebar, steel tube front forks, no-name aluminum rims with pretty decent Kenda red-stripe tires, Shimano combo brake/shifters (7 speed)
None of it will be tossed (would be sacrilege!) - It will all be lovingly set aside for future reference :D
Ah so the swing arm the only piece of the frame that you want to use and be as light as possible is steel .....
Sods law me thinks

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