Ed's 'StreetRunner' Quad Build

a circuit board would eliminate the wiring clutter.
What are the three black things to the left?

The Circuit board idea is interesting. Can you give me a link to something that illustrates what you are thinking?

Not everything I do is actually practical or needed. It/they lend themselves to the overall interest of the project.
The more detail, the more interest for those looking.

My panel components are:

1 USB port
1 12Volt accessory port
1 Key switch
1 48V voltmeter
1 12V voltmeter
1 70 Amp circuit breaker with indicator light (Used as master battery power on/off)
5 20 Amp SPST switches; headlights, audio, voltmeters, USB port, 12V port (* - switches are there to use as needed)
* - There will be in the future, some sound equipment and some seasonal LED decorative lighting for parade use.

FYI - A new revelation coming from the Christmas spirit.
I am thinking about adding a Santa's, Sleigh-looking trailer, loaded with a huge green bag full of 'faux' presents for Christmas parades.
It might hold an auxiliary battery as well.

Maybe something like this

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thinking about adding a Santa's, Sleigh-looking trailer, loaded with a huge green bag full of 'faux' presents for Christmas parades.
It might hold an auxiliary battery as well."
😅 just when i was thinking this project might actually finish one day.
(Hope this joke is not mean. The journey is always better than the destination anyway.)
Been brain storming this idea.
switches are tactil switches (low profile) that light up when on. Press for ON, press for OFF.
when key switch is turned off all the switches turn OFF until key ois turned ON and switch pressed.
one volt meter display that displays both batteries and percent of battery power left.
That 70 amp breaker ??
USB port no problem
how does up to twenty switches capable? all lighted pushbutton tactil switches.
circuit board all silkscreened ;ables for switches, USB port, lights, etc.
have transistor (Mosfets) to handle laege voltage currents. Think of an electronic relay. Would allow smaller current to switches (10-15 milli-amps per switch.
Entire panel controlled using a microcontroller with custom programming. Estimate around $25-$30 complete plus shipping.
have actually started a design.
😅 just when i was thinking this project might actually finish one day.
(Hope this joke is not mean. The journey is always better than the destination anyway.)

When one is born a Virgo the creativity gene is dominant. We are held in its grip for life.
It's a blessing as well as a curse. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Yes this year may see the completion (is that even possible?) of a - StreetRunner named 'Illusion'
I have permilnary schematic drawen with 8 pushbutton switches, a barrier strip for connecting lights etc.
need to locate a USB female socket for the 5 volts from the USB port.
So far it has the 8 switches, an LCD to display voltages and speedometer.
need to add a key switch with nessary connections. as well as maybe fuses mounted on the circuit board.
here is a begining of the dashboard printed circuit board.
has 8 lighted pushbuttons, an LCD display, 8 fuse sockets and barrier strip for connecting wires to
have yet to arrange parts for smallest board size to lower cost of boards.
The female USB socket is $10-$15 per socket (horizontal mount to keep garbage out)
has connections for 56volts, 12volt and 5volts for the USB port.
have yet to lable the switches etc.
disregard the holes between the display and barrier strip
My updated diagram

All I'm concerned with now is the fuse sizes.
Also the headlights and horn call for 30 amp fuses.
And the dimmer switch wiring - ran out of room will get to it later.

The dc-dc converter is 20 amp max output. Not sure how that all works with my requirements.

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my pcb design is mow 8 1/2" x 3 1/2"
the dimmer can be one of the 8 push button switches
I hope you realize that the USB is only 5volts
all the fuses are mounted on the back
Audio? maybe a smart-phone

Anyone, see a 'GO' switch. You know, like go forward or go backward?
Me neither :mad:

I have the switch. It's even wired up. But somehow I missed including it in the wiring diagram.
That itself is not a problem. The problem is where to put it. The design of the dash didn't include it.

Big-time bummer!
Forget the USB port as well. Tooo many things such as data to consider.
If you wantjust a port for power then just a simple phono jack would do the deed.
As for audio (am assuming for the sound effects of enging roaring? Just a simple amplifier and speakers
Forget the USB port as well. Tooo many things such as data to consider.
If you wantjust a port for power then just a simple phono jack would do the deed.
As for audio (am assuming for the sound effects of enging roaring? Just a simple amplifier and speakers

Yeah, I am leaning your way just a bit. Trying to incorporate the components from the 5-gang assembly simply for their being there isn't practical.
I seriously must rethink how I want to use the car.
As for audio (am assuming for the sound effects of enging roaring? Just a simple amplifier and speakers

The audio (sound effects equipment - maybe just the speakers) will be housed inside the motor. Can't get to any controls there.
A fair amount of thought needs to go into this as space and use are at a premium.
Simple isn't what will work in many cases. There is physical amp size, decibel rating, speaker size, controls access etc.

Been looking at various types of PA systems, boom boxes, speakers, etc, etc.
Not only for engine sound but for holiday music or PA use as well.
That's where the USB port was thought to be needed.
Still need to be able to raise and lower the sound as we drive along on the parade route.
been thinking about the forwaed/reverse switch.
If you can measure the switch I can include a cutout for said switch. Measure using a caliper in milimeters.
I would measure my switch but I have it mounted already.
As for adjusting the PA volume, A volume control could be added or perhaps buy a remote control PA setup.
been thinking about the forwaed/reverse switch.
If you can measure the switch I can include a cutout for said switch. Measure using a caliper in milimeters.
I would measure my switch but I have it mounted already.
As for adjusting the PA volume, A volume control could be added or perhaps buy a remote control PA setup.

Morning Idaho

Thanks so much for putting thought into my project.
After sleeping on the idea, I have decided to mount the fwd/rev switch to the side of the steering column (for now).
Purely in the interest of saving time. The switch is already wired and functional. My priority is to get this completed this year.
No modification of the new dash panel is necessary at this time and I can get the wiring completed.

For sound equipment, there is a variety from inexpensive to big bucks.
Here are a couple of examples. (Robot or human?) Strange but OK

Today was truly electrifying

The first thing I did was get rid of the 70 amp breaker.
Last night I came up with a solution where I will be able to get to the battery breaker when needed.
We'll let that come as a surprise later on.
I was able to get everything wired as diagramed and nothing sparked or blew up.
Voltages check out for both @ 12.1V and 55.5V.

At the moment the only thing that seems to be controlled by the key switch wiring is the go-no-go part.
Had to toss the key switch that came with the motor kit. It's cheap and has come apart. I'll be looking for a better one.
Probably a 'barrel' key type. Right now I'm using a temporary on/off switch I have, from who knows where. But it is working.

I have done a (wheels up) run, check of the drive system, and all works as designed/desired.
Next, I believe is to run the wires for the remaining 12-volt accessories.
Starting with the wires to the toggle switches.
So it's been a good day. A productive day. A satisfying day... 😊

Drink holders arrive. Found the tray at my local Target store.

Not sure which way to go. Using the catch-all tray seems like too much...overkill. Actual utilization is unknown.

Maybe just using the drink holders makes for a cleaner look, and put the other 'things' elsewhere or don't bring along those things.

been pretty quite in Apply Valley.
Maybe Ed got washed away with all the rain?

Nope, we didn't get washed away. In fact, it was a letdown after getting more sandbags, closing my flood gates, putting down said sandbags, and NOTHING!

I was running out of terminal ends so had to order more. Also, ordered/got a new KEY switch.
Plugging and redrilling holes on the dash and a couple of completed wires are all that has been done to this point.
Also been working on the wiring diagram. Just contemplating some minor changes, where reality meets paper.
But all is good and no problems are anticipated at this point.

Oh! and I forgot. I got the drink cup holder holes cut out as well.
Wiring update

Clear skies, in the high sixties a great day. UNTIL!

Until I got the quote for fixing my truck. $$$$.$$ 😦😧😮😲
I guess I will be looking into Youtube for how to repair door locks and mechanisms. Two doors.
And that doesn't count the full service, tire monitor reprogram, two batteries, and possibly new brakes.
But that is for a later time.

Back to that which is fun.

Jumper wires are done, tested, and working.
The new key switch works great. I bought the non-locking key version.
The key ejects out in both positions. I knew it was non-locking, just didn't realize it was also ejecting the key as well.

The previous key switch mounting hole was too large so some 'bodywork' had to be done.

The lights add a touch of 'bling'.

Speaking of bling. Here is my first thought for the Santa trailer.

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MOCKROD - Outstanding! Brad. A GREAT name, title.
I really, really, like it. (y)(y)(y)

I previously had - FAUXROD

Why that one didn't come to mind when I was trying to think what to call this project, I can't imagine.
I will add it to my list of names at the end of the build.

Maybe I should run a contest for name suggestions. Hmmmmm
Or maybe they will just drop out of the sky as - MOCKROD did.

Any name has to be 7 or fewer letters/numbers.
My stepson gave me a California plate with 'ILLUSION' on it but it's too long.

Progress Update

Haven't spent too much time on it in the last couple of weeks.
Still in the process of running wires for the various components.
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