Popshot, Maddock and stormbird
Happy New Year. thanks for your replies. I was just curious if anyone had adapted the Viking design and used mainly Aluminium. I do understand as I found in the Stage Lighting Industry that aluminium trusses and gantry when beefed-up, the weight saving is minimal but they don't rust!
I did start cutting steel and preparing it for welding but my long-in-the-tooth Pride and Clarke MIG has failed.
My adopted Son-inLaw is a specialist Alloy & Stainless Steel welder for Princess Yachts, Plymouth and would and would weld anything I fabricate in those materials.
One tip I was given some time ago was to insert a round tube with a close-fit inside a square tube. A friend who made a Hase trike copy from a job lot of 1-1/4" sq aluminium tube but he fitted a steel tube inside it! Of course the inner tube never gets welded!